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Acing the A-Levels Exams: Top 6 Tips From An Insider

This blog is operated by Kokusaba, a group of university student tutors with international backgrounds based in Tokyo and abroad. Get to know Our Tutors on our site and hope you enjoy this article written by our own experienced student tutors!

Are you gearing up for your A-Levels exams and seeking the ultimate guide to help you ace your exams with flying colors? Look no further! We've curated a list of insider tips that will equip you with the strategies and advice you need to conquer your A-Levels like a pro. So, grab your notebooks and get ready to delve into the world of mastering A-Levels exams and revisions!

A student studying with a notebook and writing notes. Studying early for the A Level exam, Aレベル,インタナショナルスクール日本, IB

1. Before the A-Levels Exams... Start the Revision Early!

Starting your A-Levels revision early and maintaining a consistent study schedule is key to success.

Avoid last-minute cramming by breaking down your study sessions into manageable chunks.

Consistency is the name of the game when it comes to mastering A-Levels!

2. Try Various Study Techniques (This does not apply to just the A-Levels Exams)

When revising, be it for your SAT tests, A-Levels Exams or any other exam, focus on areas where you need the most improvement. Use mnemonic devices, acronyms, and visual aids to aid memory retention.

Different A-Levels subjects require different techniques. Sometimes, you may not even have an exam but a big project. This tends to be the case for humanities courses such as A-Level Drama or A-Level Art and Design. Be sure to start early since these projects are no easy feat!

Preparation for A Level Drama class, A student working on an A Level film project using a camera. Aレベル,インタナショナルスクール日本

Mix up your study methods to keep things interesting and reinforce your understanding of complex topics.

Engage in active learning techniques such as mind mapping, creating flashcards, and teaching concepts to others. Active participation enhances understanding and retention, making your study sessions more effective and preparing you better for the A-Levels exams.

Explore educational apps such as Anki or Quizlet, online resources, and digital platforms that can enhance your learning experience.

From interactive quizzes and YouTube videos, to virtual study sessions, leverage technology to supplement your revision efforts and make learning more engaging.

Don't hesitate to reach out for support from your teachers, peers, or online resources. Form A-Level study groups to discuss challenging topics and clarify doubts. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when needed.

3. Take Care Of Your Health Before the A-Levels Exams:

Maintain a positive mindset throughout your A-Level journey. Celebrate your milestones, stay motivated with inspirational quotes, and visualize your success. Believe in your capabilities and stay focused on your goals.

A Healthy life for better concentration and better  A Level grades, Aレベル,インタナショナルスクール日本
Balancing your studies and self-care is crucial during the lead-up to your A-Levels Exams.

Get enough rest, eat nutritious meals, and engage in physical activity to keep your mind and body in top shape. A healthy lifestyle contributes to better focus and productivity, and this applies to any hurdles in your school life.

Personally, I used to wake up at 5am and go for runs, workout and eat healthy meals everyday and it definitely helped mentally as I stayed consistent and disciplined with my A Level revision schedule. While you do not have to wake up at 5am, keeping a healthy mind and body definitely helps.

This does make sense, as a study showed that better nutrition and health increases cognitive achievements. Research shows that by living a healthy lifestyle alone, you can increase your test score by around 4%. Who wouldn't want to get a higher grade in A-Levels Exams just by staying consistent and staying healthy?

4. Practicing A-Levels Mock Tests and Improving Time Management:

Mastering time management is essential during your A-Levels exams. Allocate specific time slots for each subject and practice answering questions within the allocated time limits. Time yourself during practice exams to simulate real exam conditions.

Many students make the mistake of not taking their A-Level Mock exams seriously, and then wait till the last minute to do revision. My advice would be to start as early as you can and instead of aiming for perfect A Level mock test scores, aim for consistency.

Look over where you went wrong in your A Level Mock Exams and then make sure to clarify all your questions with your teachers. The earlier you ask your teachers, the better.

Keep in mind that just before the A-Levels exams, your teachers will be busy answering questions from many other students.

I made sure to spend hours with my teachers in advance to understand every small detail in various A Level subjects and the logic behind it instead of just memorizing answers. Just taking that small step can make a big difference in your grades.

5. Do LOTS of A Level Past Papers

Familiarize yourself with the exam format for each subject. Practice past papers and understand the marking scheme to gain insight into how to structure your answers effectively. Knowing what to expect will boost your confidence on exam day.

After completing each A Level study session or practice exam, take the time to reflect on your performance. Identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. Use feedback constructively to tailor your study approach and fine-tune your A Level exam preparation.

By the time your exams are a month away, you should ideally be solely doing past papers and reviewing them.

6. (For A-Levels Languages) Immerse Yourself Into The Language

A girl studying for the A Levels, A Level language studying, Aレベル日本

One way of 'avoiding' studying a language or doing it with the feeling of less pressure, would be through immersion. A-Level languages are known for their high expectations and many students are expected to read classical texts in a foreign language.

You are also expected to write and talk about complex topics such as racism or global trends, that require a complex lexicon in the speaking or writing section of A Level languages.

For A-Level languages, I recommend watching videos and documentaries on various topics that pique your interest in that language. That way, studying does not feel like a chore.

(Crazy) Bonus Tip: Study any A Level subject IN the A Level language you take so you can knock 2 birds with one stone! (Caution advised, this method can be a bit dangerous to some)

Summing up A Level Preparation:

With these tips in your arsenal, you're well-equipped to navigate the challenges of A-Levels and emerge successfully on exam day. Remember, dedication, hard work, and a positive attitude are the keys to mastering your A-Levels. Good luck and let your journey to academic excellence begin!

Whether you're a student gearing up for your the A-Levels exams, a parent supporting your child, or an educator guiding students through their A-Level journey, these tips are sure to be invaluable in achieving outstanding results.

Keywords: A Level Tips, Japan International schools, Tokyo tutoring, Aレベル, インタナショナルスクール東京、 インタナショナルスクール日本


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